Saturday, December 26, 2009

To Be Successful in Business

To be a success in business, be daring, be first, be different.

--Henry Marchant

Sunday, December 20, 2009

What Matters in Life?

40% is future.
30% is past.
22% is trivial.
4% is non-controllable.
Only 4% is reality now.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Friday, December 04, 2009

Concert on Pump

To an artist, everything is a media.
Here are two musicians used bike pumps to perform classic music.

Art Management

The border line of art management is always changing. Paul Gogan was an art dealer and then turned into an artist. Andy Warhol was an artist and then turned into an entrepreneur. He created a magazine Interview, mass produce his work, made films, and created saloon called Factory in New York. When he died in 1986, he left $25 million dollars behind. From classic definition, he was more or less an art manager instead of an artist, because he was not poor, like many Impressionists.

The scope of art management is changing rapidly. After 911, about half art galleries in New York were barely survival. The market in China and Europe are still active. Berlin galleries have become important in Europe. However, the sales are still weak because of fewer local buyers. On the other hand, digital media created new opportunities, for example, virtual reality <>, animation, games, digital publications, online media and mobility, product design <>, film production, digital art museum, digital libraries, publication, etc.

Art management is about vision, taste, style, and talent. It takes talents to manage talents. One can't manage creative people, but one can find them and excite them. The best way to manage art projects is to bring money and find the right talents to do right jobs.

The new age art management is not only about marketing, accounting and organization, but also about new technologies, grantsmanship, social network, trend prediction, and talent discovery.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Rock Art Studio

Same time. Same place. Same model. New slates. :-)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Rock Art Studio

Tonight, I tried to mosaic the slates to make big pieces. The first one is 36 in x 12 in. The second is 24 in x 24 in.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Figure Studio Tonight

Tonight's model is also an artist. I made some carving and sculptures.
All slates are in size of 6 inch by 6 inch.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Photos at UAM


City center in Madrid.

The glass wall on the bridge to prevent suicides. It works!

Mexican dancers at the center of Madrid.

The one of gates of Madrid city.

Robot food?

Xavier and Manuel in front of the 150 years old restaurant.

Transformed a train terminal to a botanic garden.

A sculpture in a classic restaurant.

A church in Madrid.

Vertical garden

The modern art museum Caixa Forum

The royal palace

The wedding church behind museum Prado.

Morning view from the hotel Rafael.

A hot poster

Marid from sky

Rock Art Studio

Tonight the model is Brian, a very strong man.

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Rock Carving from Figure Studio

Sunday figure studio is my religion. Tonight was not bad.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tongue Driver

Steering a wheelchair with tongue movements could one day give quadriplegics a taste of independence.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

In Memory of Eugene Rossi

Eugene passed away last week. I attended his mass this morning at the church in Oakland. I first met Eugene when I was in CMRI. He was a CMU staff who delivered paychecks. He was blind and an active member of VIPACE. He was the first visual impaired person I sent email to. "My email is er2r@andrew," he told me.

Through Eugene I have met many VIPACE members and attended their meetings and parties. Their office was on Craig Street which was only one block away from my office. I had much fun with VIPACE people. They are so full of curiosity, energy and joy of life.

A few years ago, I invited Eugene and his friends to attend my class project exhibition at Carnegie Science Center. He arrived early and got hands-on experience of students' projects. He even danced with the live Jazz music.

One day, Eugene called me and asked if VIPACE group can visit CMU's Robotic Receptionist at Newell Simon Hall. "Doc, if would be great to have talking GPS and cash readers..." He always had fascinating ideas.

The mass for Eugene was great. He will be rested in Jefferson Memorial Cementery.

Eugene will be missed a lot.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ben Franklin's Advice About Sex